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Statement by H.E. Dr. Kwaku Afriyie, Hon. Minister of Environment of Ghana, at the COP27 High-Level Ministerial Roundtable on Pre-2030 Ambition
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The Climate Vulnerable Forum Presidency of Ghana, represented by H.E. Dr. Kwaku Afriye, Hon. Minister of Environment of Ghana, released the following statement today at the COP27 High-Level Ministerial Roundtable on Pre-2030 Ambition:
“Excellencies, esteemed guests, colleagues, Ghana, as the current Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Chair, who represents 1.5 billion people worldwide and is made up of 58 members most vulnerable to climate change – from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East, and the Pacific – will continuously strive to advocate for more climate action, to safeguard the 1.5°C goal for the Earth’s protection and our own. This is indeed a matter of survival for all vulnerable countries.”
“It is a great pleasure to see you all in person at this first ‘high-level roundtable on pre-2030 ambition’, ready to collaborate, coordinate, and make a difference in the spirit of cooperation for our nations and the most vulnerable.”
“I believe that this roundtable will promote and catalyze practical action that transforms commitments and pledges into concrete climate contributions. Combined with the COP26-mandated “work programme to urgently scale up mitigation ambition and implementation”, we must ensure the preparation of a robust COP27 decision that substantially strengthens the scale and pace of efforts to keep the 1.5°C goal alive.”
“Excellencies, mitigation is a key priority for the CVF countries. The 1.5°C goal is enshrined in the Paris Agreement but current policies are on track to surpass 2.4°C of global warming. We must push the major emitting nations, whose 2030 NDC emissions reductions are not aligned with the 1.5°C goal, to review and strengthen these targets. COP27 must mandate bolder action to close any gaps in the 1.5°C goal specifically in 2023 and also throughout this critical decade.”
“The CVF released a Traffic Light Assessment of the 2030 emissions targets within the NDCs. It is based on a simple fair share evaluation whereby every person has equal access and responsibility to the atmosphere from 1990, when the Convention commitment base year starts, to the end of the century, when temperatures should be stabilised. It also adjusts capability accounting for some difference in means to reduce emissions between rich and poor countries. The assessment shows that the G7, G20, European Countries are all red, with NDC targets above 3°C. Whereas the CVF, African Group and LDCs are all green, with NDC targets already well below 2°C. Seeing as all parties agreed at COP26 to strengthen NDCs not aligned with the Paris temperature goal in this year, 2022, Ghana has called the Glasgow Climate Pact “broken”. The G20 represents 80% of emissions, the CVF just 5.”
“The CVF also released new data developed by the Lancet which we commissioned this week. It shows that the world will have 3.35 million annual global heat deaths alone in 2100 – mainly in vulnerable developing countries. 91% of these can be avoided by limiting warming to 1.5°C, but only half if we limit warming to below 2°C.”
“Excellencies, Ghana, as CVF Chair, looks forward to working with you all to achieve the strongest possible outcomes on mitigation, to scale up ambition for bolder action in pursuit of a future where our people, prosperity and planet are protected.”
“Thank you all for your attention.”
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