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H.E. Sheikh Hasina
Prime Minister
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate
17 September 2021
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Hon’ble President Joe Biden,
Hon’ble Heads of State and Government,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Assalamu Alaikum and a very good morning to you all.
I thank President Joe Biden for convening this Forum, following the “Leaders Summit on Climate” in last April. I also thank you for inviting me to speak on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable people.
- Bangladesh is one of the most climate vulnerable countries. In addition to sea level rise, increase in salinity, river erosion, floods and draughts, we are also facing serious climate impact because of 1.1 million forcefully displaced Myanmar Nationals, commonly known as Rohingyas.
- We are also pioneer in climate change adaptation efforts. We recently submitted an ambitious and updated NDC. Bangladesh has one of the world’s most extensive domestic solar energyprogrammes. With a low carbon footprint, we are also vying for a more sustainable energy mix. We are going to implement the ‘Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan’ – a journey from climate vulnerability to climate resilience to climate prosperity (VRP).
- As the Chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and the V20, our key focus is to promote the interests of the climate vulnerable countries. We also share best practices through the South Asia regional office of the Global Center on Adaptation in Dhaka.
- We would like to see strong and significant outcome of COP26, and the major economies will play an important role there. I therefore propose the following points before you:
First, major carbon emitting countries must take actions to reduce their emissions to keep the global temperature rise at 1.5 degree Celsius;
Second, the commitment of annual 100 billion dollars climate fund by the developed countries has to be fulfilled, distributed 50:50 between adaptation and mitigation;
Third, developed countries need to come forward with the most effective energy solutions along with technology transfer to the developing countries;
Fourth, while transitioning to renewables, stocktaking of respective development priorities of nation-states, according to loss & damage experienced by them should be considered;
Fifth, responsibility of rehabilitating people displaced because of sea-level rise, increase in salinity, river erosion, floods and draughts needs to be shared by all countries; and
Finally, major economies have to work with all stakeholders globally in partnership for ensuring a sustainable future for the next generation.
I thank you all.