Leaders’ Meeting on Climate Change

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H.E. Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


Closed-Door Leaders’ Meeting on Climate Change

20 September 2021

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim


Assalamu Alaikum, and a very good morning to you all.

I thank the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the UN Secretary General for convening this important meeting.

Excellencies, Colleagues,

  1. The climate vulnerable countries contribute the least to the global Green House Gas emissions. Yet they are the worst victims of the impacts of climate change. The recent IPCC report has provided a grim picture about their future. If the global temperature goes above 1.5 degree Celsius, they will face permanent damages.
  2. The international community has special responsibility to support these countries in their adaptation and mitigation efforts.
  3. Despite being a climate vulnerable country with resource constraints, Bangladesh has emerged as a global pioneer on adaptation and resilience. Recently, we have submitted an ambitious and updated NDC to the UNFCCC. Furthermore, we have adopted the ‘Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan’ focusing on green growth, resilient infrastructure and renewable energy. We are on our journey from climate vulnerability to climate resilience to climate prosperity (VRP).
  4. As the Chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and V20, our key focus is to promote the interests of the climate vulnerable countries. We are also sharing best practices and adaptation knowledge with other climate vulnerable countries through the GCA South Asia regional office in Dhaka.


  1. We need to adopt bold and stronger measures urgently to address the planetary emergency. As we are just a few months away from COP-26, I urge the following:

First, strict implementation of the Paris Agreement to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 degree Celsius;

Second, realisation of annual $100 billion climate fund from the developed countries. 50 per cent of this fund should go to adaptation and resilience, especially to climate vulnerable countries;

Third, new financial mechanisms and transfer of green technology to the developing countries;

Fourth, addressing loss and damage issue, and large-scale population displacements due to climate change;

Fifth, CVF countries need capacity building support to tackle the double jeopardy of pandemic and disaster, particularly with the increased frequency of climate induced disasters;

Finally, we need a “whole-of-the-world” approach to leave a sustainable future for our next generations.

I thank you all.



Statement by H. E. Sheikh Hasina Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh at the Leaders’ Meeting on Climate Change[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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