Jumemmej Declaration

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22 November 2018

First Issued by the Leaders of the Climate Vulnerable Forum

  • We urge the UN Climate Change Conference at Katowice, COP24, to act on the findings of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C, as informed by the Talanoa Dialogue, sending a strong signal for all nations, and non-state actors, to contribute to the generation of new ambition, for the enhancement of all nationally determined contributions to the global response to climate change (NDCs) by 2020, emphasizing the critical role of the 2019 United Nations Climate Summit in ensuring a concerted worldwide effort to raise ambition by 2020;


  • Commit to update and raise the level of ambition of our own nationally determined contributions to the global response to climate change (NDCs) by 2020 at the latest, in the context of the provision of robust and predictable international finance and other means of implementation, seeking to trigger increased national contributions from all nations by 2020 to keep the 1.5°C warming limit within reach and to safeguard those most vulnerable, fundamental human rights, people everywhere, fragile ecosystems and the planet’s natural wealth, the global commons;


  • Call for urgent further action to enable far greater flows of international climate finance to be delivered far more rapidly and effectively, facilitating and enabling enhanced climate ambition among capacity-constrained developing countries, particularly LDCs and SIDS;


  • We invite every nation, as well as non-state stakeholders, to join this call and to work cooperatively towards its realization, demonstrating the potential of the Paris Agreement whose aims are still within the collective power of the world’s nations to fulfill.

NB Jumemmej is a Marshallese word of seafaring origin signifying a call to action of vigilance, keeping watch against threats

advance copy – embargo 21:00 MHT 22 Nov 2018

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