Statement by Hon. Dr. Henry Kokofu, Special Envoy of the CVF Presidency of Ghana on the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration

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Statement by Hon. Dr. Henry Kokofu, Special Envoy of the CVF Presidency of Ghana on the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration

16 November 2022 – Commenting on today’s declaration by the G20 in support of 1.5 degrees, Dr. Henry Kokofu, Special Envoy of the CVF Presidency of Ghana, said:

“We welcome this declaration, but it means all G20 countries must raise the ambition of their 2030 targets by this year or next, to ensure the climate doesn’t overshoot the 1.5 degree temperature target, which the IPCC says could happen in the 2030s. The COP27 outcome must reflect a far stronger sense of urgency and obligation from the major emitters, to take quick action to strengthen their Paris Nationally Determined Contributions. As things stand, the Glasgow climate pact is broken, but the G20 have the opportunity to fix it.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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