Recognizing Migrant and Diaspora Contributions to Climate Action: Migrant4Climate Award 2023

Geneva, 7 August 2023 – The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), under the Ghana Presidency leadership, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) launch the call for nominations for the Migrant4Climate (M4C) Award 2023 showcasing the contributions of migrants and diasporas to combating climate change.

Nominations will be accepted until 15 September, 23:59 (UTC). For more information about the M4C Award 2023 and its inspiring contributions to the fight against climate change, please visit the Migrants 4 Climate website.

M4C Award will identify through a competitive process innovative initiatives and projects that have been initiated and implemented by migrants or with migrants’ and diasporas’ involvement that contribute to climate action.  M4C Award emphasizes the significance of migration in the context of slow onset impacts of climate change such as extreme heat, desertification, sea level rise, loss of ecosystems and biodiversity, and ocean acidification.

The winner will be selected based on four criteria (4Is): Inclusion, Innovation, Impact, and Inspiration.

  • Inclusion: The degree to which the nominated Initiative is led by, or has engaged and mobilized migrants, diasporas, and their community, towards climate action and sustainability.
  • Innovation: The level of creativity, uniqueness, and effectiveness of the nominee’s contributions to sustainable solutions.
  • Impact: The extent to which the nominee’s actions have positively impacted climate change mitigation, adaptation, or resilience-building efforts.
  • Inspiration: The nominee’s vision and ability to foster cooperation and partnerships among diverse stakeholders in addressing climate change challenges.

The climate emergency is a defining reality of our present and future. Across the world, climate impacts reshape migration patterns everywhere. While no one should be compelled to move, nor experience hardships and danger while on the move, migration is also a story of hope, resilience, and opportunities.

The contributions of migrants and diaspora to our societies are numerous and varied. We must recognize their role in driving positive change for climate action and environmental sustainability. It is crucial to acknowledge the value of their actions led through private, public, and non-governmental organizations at local, national, regional, and international levels, in their host communities or countries of origin for a sustainable and inclusive future.

We invite individuals and organizations worldwide to submit nominations and to join us in recognizing and promoting the achievements of migrants and diasporas in creating a better world for us, today and for future generations.

For more information, please contact:


Dina Ionesco, Senior Advisor on Migration [email protected]

Media queries: [email protected]


In Geneva: Chloé Lavau, Communications Officer for Climate Change and Migration, [email protected]

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