COP26 CVF Leaders’ Dialogue Statement by Dr. Mujawamariya Jeanne D’Arc, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Rwanda

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Republic of Rwanda 

STATEMENT by Dr Mujawamariya Jeanne D’Arc, Minister of Environment at High-Level Meeting of the Climate Vulnerable Forum: “Forging a CVF-COP26  Climate Emergency Pact” 

United Kingdom | 02 November 2021 

  • Excellencies 
  • Distinguished ladies and gentlemen 

Allow me to first express my appreciation and gratitude to Her Excellency Sheikh  Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh for hosting this First global High-Level  Meeting of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) since 2016 in sidelines of COP26 to  discuss the global priorities of the most vulnerable nations to climate change .  

This global High-Level Meeting is very important way that it gives Climate  Vulnerable Forum (CVF) members , the time to exchange and join their efforts to  climate action and the and advocate for the COP26 to provide adequate decision to  address adaptation needs for the 48 members of the CVF.  

The scientific consensus is that human caused climate change increases the frequency  and severity affecting every region of the Earth in different ways and was it was  indicated by the first part of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental  Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently published there is no going back from some  change in the climate system and the change we are experiencing will increase with  further warming. 

It is unfortunate that the efforts being made by Parties to achieve the goal of Paris  Agreement through their Nationally Determined Contributions are not enough.  

This is bad news for CVF Members who will see their vulnerability also increasing,  unless there are immediate, rapid, and large-scale actions to reduce greenhouse gas  emissions.  

We share the atmosphere, and the future is in our hands. Let’s work together.

Rwanda is committed to join the efforts with global community to combat climate  change and achieve aspirations of Paris Agreement. 

Through the revised Nationally Determined Contributions submitted to the  secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , Rwanda pledged  to feature 38%of emission a reduction by 2030 with total investment of 11 billion  USD including 5.3 billion USD for adaptation.  

For most vulnerable nations, the importance of adaptation in response to climate  change is undeniable and due consideration to building resilience is required to make  sure that we are moving in right way with no one behind. 

I invite all Countries especially countries with high emissions to take significant steps  to deliver the transformative action to ensure that together we heading to the right  direction. 

To conclude my remarks, I would like to reiterate the full support of my Rwanda to  all CVF activities and endorsement of Dhaka-Glasgow Declaration of the Climate  Vulnerable Forum. 

Thank you for your kind attention. 

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