#MAD4survival: Paris Agreement Hinging on 2020 Ambition in Madrid

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Madrid 10 December 2019 — Leaders of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) with high level representatives of other governments said today that the Paris Agreement itself hinges on commitments to new climate ambition for 2020 materializing in Madrid. The Madrid Ambition Drive for Survival #MAD4survival initiative, which already involves some 70 parties to the Paris Agreement committed to ambition, called upon all other parties to indicate where they stand with respect to ambition.

Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Climate Envoy of the Marshall Islands said: “We are MAD! We are MAD at the situation we are in. We are MAD to become the sacrifice of rich and powerful countries. We are also MAD about our survival. So we launched the MAD campaign here at COP. Because there must be a Madrid Ambition Drive for Survival – if we are to have any chance. It’s Time for Action because we are Out of Time,” addingthat “it’s very clear: you are either with us. You stand with us. Or you are not with us. You do not stand with us.”

The CVF delegates highlighted how it would not be possible to fulfill the goals of the Paris Agreement if there was any delay in the delivery of new ambition through updated nationally determined contributions, or NDCs, by 2020, for which the Madrid UNFCCC COP25 conference was called upon to deliver a strong signal urging all parties to come forward with new NDCs in 2020.

Loren Legarda, Deputy Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives said:  “When our youth demand action from those with the means to stave off this crisis, the rich and the powerful gaze at their navel. We are here to amplify the demands of young people. Those who dare to call themselves leaders should deliver far stronger climate action by 2020, not 2025, not 2021, next year.

The all-women panel moderated by Monica Araya of Costa Rica Limpia highlighted women’s leadership on climate action around the world. Loren Legarda stated: “Women leading the fight to save our place in a future where humans can survive and thrive without imposing irreversible harm on our fragile earth.”

Shanchita Haque, a representative of Bangladesh at its Permanent Mission to the United Nations said: “We think change is possible if we all work together. Standing by the most vulnerable is standing for change. Is standing for ambition. Is standing up for our survival. So don’t be shy – we are inviting all countries, all organizations, all delegations, all people to stand with us in Madrid. Please stand with us in our #MAD campaign – together we are stronger.”

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