H. E. Dr. Bimala Rai Paudya – CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

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H. E. Dr. Bimala Rai Paudya – CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting, Honorable Member of National Assembly of Nepal

CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

“Parliamentarians of Climate Threatened Nations Championing Planetary Prosperity”

November 25, 2020

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]https://youtu.be/g6Do3GYJF5E[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]Respected Chairperson

Distinguished Panellists and Delegates

Fellow Parliamentarians

Ladies and Gentlemen 

At the outset, I congratulate the Government and the people of Bangladesh for taking leadership of Climate Vulnerable Forum and for timely organizing this global parliamentarians meeting. I am delighted to represent Federal Parliament of Nepal in this august event.

  • Today, combined effects of COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have challenged the entire humanity. Mountainous countries like Nepal and coastal countries like Bangladesh are most affected due to both crises. The poor and marginalized people across the globe, particularly women; children, senior citizens and indigenous nationalities are bearing the disproportionate cost of it, resulting into acute health issues, food insecurity and poverty.
  • There is no choice Your Excellencies, except to join our hands and minds, together with higher degree of confidence and commitment to address them. In this regard, this global parliamentarians meeting is very important. 
  • Nepal is committed to implement Paris Agreement together with international communities. We have developed climate change policy dedicated to decrease the climate vulnerability and increase the economic resilience through the implementation of national and local action plans for adaptation. 
  • Despite of the fact that the country has insignificant contributions to global carbon emission, Nepal Government is preparing enhanced NDC with ambition in targets and actions.
  • Law making, oversight of government’s work and representing people’s voice are important roles of any parliament. With reference to Nepal, there are two parliamentary committees, each at lower and upper houses, to focus on sustainable development, environment and climate change agenda. The parliamentary committee of the national assembly has established a SDG resource centre and has developed a checklist to help MPs mainstream environment and climate change. This is expected to increase MPs performance on mainstreaming climate agenda throughout their work.

Your Excellencies,

  • We have witnessed that increasing severity and magnitude of climate extremes threaten food & water security and agricultural income of billions. Transformative technologies are needed to increase adaptation and resilience in our parts of the world that are facing the brunt of the impacts. It is high time that Parliamentarians voice at national, regional and global levels to develop transformative technologies with innovative financing mechanisms to address climate change and ensure that the most vulnerable communities, have access to such emerging and affordable technologies. 
  • Covid19 Pandemic has altered the economic and social behavior of our society. There is increasing realization that Pandemic and climate change may result in unprecedented disruptions and we must seek opportunities for low carbon systems and green growth potentials. I believe that Parliamentarians have important roles to ensure that government’s policies, regulations and work nurture and guide activities towards these potentials. Being people’s representatives, it is equally important that we motivate consumer’s behavior to adopt green lifestyle and ultimately, towards promoting green economy.
  • Women are important actors and active agents in mitigation and adaptation to climate change, but often neglected especially in resource allocation. Nepal has adopted gender responsive budgeting since past two decades with increased direct spending on women. With this learning, I would also like to take this opportunity to urge all parties and delegates to apply gender responsive budget system in all aspects of climate change mitigations and adaptations work to ensure gender justice and for more effective response to climate crises. 

Finally, I thank you for this opportunity to share my aspirations in front of you 

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