H. E. Ban Ki-moon – CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

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H. E. Ban Ki-moon – CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting , 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations and GCA Board Chair

CVF Global Parliamentarians Meeting

“Parliamentarians of Climate Threatened Nations Championing Planetary Prosperity”

November 25, 2020

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https://youtu.be/uZzz13ndH8k[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]Excellencies,

Distinguished Colleagues in the CVF,

Mr Secretary-General of the IPU,

SRSG Mizutori,

I am pleased to share this message with you today as you convene this special first meeting of parliamentarians of climate threatened nations.

5 years ago, the international community celebrated adoption of the Paris Agreement.

It is a life-line accord. It was a beacon of hope that we can work together as one human civilization to overcome such a crisis.

Today, however, I am concerned that, seconds to Midnight, we are far from delivering on everything the Paris Agreement represented.

We can be encouraged by a number of good news recently: Major economies like China, Japan, committing to a carbon neutral future, and American re-joining the Paris Agreement. 

But there remains a lack of commitment to action in the years right ahead of us.

We have to build on the commitments of members of the CVF, the EU, LDCs and AOSIS, who are already working to deliver under Paris with updated NDCs this year.

We need to work hard to have all countries redouble efforts, especially the well-off and major emitting nations.

At COP26, some of the last guidelines on how Paris will be implemented shall be finalized.

We need to accelerate, in parallel, a shift from international negotiation, to national implementation.

This is especially true for adaptation to climate change.

Adaptation has not enjoyed as much priority as efforts to reduce emissions.

But it could not more vital for the communities already suffering the most severe effects of this crisis as a part of daily life.

Just in the past weeks, we have seen some of the most extreme impacts affecting Central America, Philippines, Bangladesh and the Pacific. 

As parliaments, your role only began with the ratification of the Paris Agreement.

You can be the drivers of national and local action to implement the Agreement.

This will no doubt require changes to regulations, to public institutions and finances. 

Some of these changes will also help to leverage more international investment and support.

You are already leading innovation in this area, and by launching this program today, I am sure you head in the right direction.

You action is meaningful right now, under the Midnight Survival Deadline for the Climate, to call the world to action.

And it will continue to be vital, as we drive forward with climate action in the years ahead.

I look forward to hearing more about all you will achieve together.

The Global Center on Adaptation will be there to work with you.

Thank you.

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