CVF Special Envoy Contributes to World Economic Forum Report “BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming Cities’ Relationship with Nature”

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18 January 2022, Dhaka:  Special Envoy of the Climate Vulnerable Forum Presidency of Bangladesh, Abul Kalam Azad, has contributed to an important new report by the World Economic Forum.

The report, BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming Cities’ Relationship with Nature sets out why and how public and private urban leaders must take action to uphold their cities as “living systems” whose economic, social and ecological functions are in balance.

Nature-positive” investments – such as Nature-based Solutions for infrastructure or returning land to nature – could create more than 59 million jobs in cities worldwide and generate over $1.5 trillion in annual business value by 2030, the report states.

The analysis finds that spending $583 billion on interventions that enhance nature and reduce urban impacts on biodiversity can secure significant economic benefits as cities become more resilient, liveable and competitive.

Commenting on the report Azad said: As this important study makes clear, nature-based solutions will help transform our cities into more liveable, climate resilient, and healthy places to live. The climate, human and economic imperative for bringing nature into the heart of our cities is overwhelming.

The report can be found at the following link:


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