CVF Senior Officials Meeting 2022

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CVF Senior Officials Meeting 2022


The impacts of climate change threaten societies, economies, and ecosystems with varying magnitude and intensity, and it is the poorest and  most marginalized communities that suffer the most. The world’s most vulnerable countries need to be better equipped with strong institutions and context-specific resilience solutions to drive their own climate action. In this context, the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) is organizing a virtual Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), following a series of regional consultations held on September 6 and 7, 2022. The SOM principally aims to identify and promote headline climate change policy priorities for vulnerable developing countries in the run up to COP27. It will focus specifically on the development of a “Accra-Kinshasa Communiqué” of the CVF, building on the findings of the four Regional Consultations held earlier in September and highlighting key priorities for adoption at the next High-Level Meeting of the Forum to be held during Pre-COP27, on the 4th of October 2022. 

Key Information

  • Main objective: To review the findings of the four regional consultations held in September 2022 and to finalize the “Accra-Kinshasa Communiqué” of the CVF. 
  • Participation: member states, observer states, and key partners. 
  • Level: Senior officials responsible for multilateral climate change cooperation and/or policy implementation (including adaptation, loss and damage, and mitigation). 
  • Format: Three-hour virtual meeting held on the Zoom platform.
  • Structure: The meeting will consist of high-level opening remarks by the CVF Troika, a reporting session on the four regional consultations, followed by a round of discussion to finalize the “Accra-Kinshasa Communiqué.”. 


The aim of the SOM is to review the findings of the four regional consultations held in September 2022 and to finalize the “Accra-Kinshasa Communiqué” of the CVF. This Communiqué is expected to be adopted at the CVF High-Level Meeting planned during Pre-COP27 on 4 October 2022. This outcome will hopefully create momentum and awareness around the CVF agenda in the run up to COP27. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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