CVF Presidency Welcomes the UN Human Rights Council climate resolution


14 July 2021

 CVF Presidency Welcomes the UN Human Rights Council climate resolution

GENEVA, Switzerland – 14 July 2021: The Climate Vulnerable Forum presidency welcomed the adoption today, with 46 votes in favour[1], of the resolution on human rights and climate change at the UN’s supreme body for human rights, the Human Rights Council (HRC). For the first time, the resolution encourages the continued discussions among States and relevant stakeholders on the possible creation of a new special procedure addressing the adverse impact of climate change on the full and effective enjoyment of human rights.

Commenting on the passing of the resolution, the Special Envoy of the Climate Vulnerable Forum presidency, Abul Kalam Azad, stated:

“We welcome the conclusion of the Human Rights Council to pass this important resolution to address the mounting human rights crisis that especially affects the world’s most vulnerable groups threatened by climate change. We look forward to keeping up momentum towards the establishment of a possible special procedure on the adverse effects of climate change on human rights in the Council.”

Bangladesh introduced the resolution at today’s adoption of the resolution at the  HRC’s 47th session on behalf of the core group on climate change comprising Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Viet Nam. It highlighted that climate change is one of the biggest threats on human rights of our generation, including for the right to food, to health, to life, and many others, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Bangladesh also mentioned that the resolution aims at raising awareness of the linkage between human rights and climate change. It asserted that countries must make more urgent action in this area and that support is needed in developing countries for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Bangladesh further underscored that more impactful climate actions are required to realize the SDGs, including goal 13.

This year’s resolution, emphasizes the need for continued focus on addressing the adverse consequences of climate change for all, particularly in developing countries and for the people whose situation is most vulnerable to climate change. The resolution also calls upon the Council to incorporate into its annual programme of work, beginning in 2023, sufficient time, at a minimum a panel discussion, to discuss different specific themes on the adverse impacts of climate change on human rights.

Importantly, the resolution also welcomed the work of the Climate Vulnerable Forum and noted its Midnight Climate Survival Deadline for the Climate initiative calling for enhanced nationally determined contributions under the mechanism of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

[1] A single abstention was registered among the total of 47 HRC members’ votes cast.


CVF Press Release on HRC 47 (14 July 2021)

Tabled Version of the HRC Resolution on climate change and human rights (July 2021)

14 July 2021

CVF Presidency Welcomes the UN Human Rights Council climate resolution

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]GENEVA, Switzerland – 14 July 2021: The Climate Vulnerable Forum presidency welcomed the adoption today, with 46 votes in favour, of the resolution on human rights and climate change at the UN’s supreme body for human rights, the Human Rights Council (HRC). For the first time, the resolution encourages the continued discussions among States and relevant stakeholders on the possible creation of a new special procedure addressing the adverse impact of climate change on the full and effective enjoyment of human rights.

Commenting on the passing of the resolution, the Special Envoy of the Climate Vulnerable Forum presidency, Abul Kalam Azad, stated:

“We welcome the conclusion of the Human Rights Council to pass this important resolution to address the mounting human rights crisis that especially affects the world’s most vulnerable groups threatened by climate change. We look forward to keeping up momentum towards the establishment of a possible special procedure on the adverse effects of climate change on human rights in the Council.”

Bangladesh introduced the resolution at today’s adoption of the resolution at the  HRC’s 47th session on behalf of the core group on climate change comprising Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Viet Nam. It highlighted that climate change is one of the biggest threats on human rights of our generation, including for the right to food, to health, to life, and many others, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Bangladesh also mentioned that the resolution aims at raising awareness of the linkage between human rights and climate change. It asserted that countries must make more urgent action in this area and that support is needed in developing countries for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Bangladesh further underscored that more impactful climate actions are required to realize the SDGs, including goal 13.

This year’s resolution, emphasizes the need for continued focus on addressing the adverse consequences of climate change for all, particularly in developing countries and for the people whose situation is most vulnerable to climate change. The resolution also calls upon the Council to incorporate into its annual programme of work, beginning in 2023, sufficient time, at a minimum a panel discussion, to discuss different specific themes on the adverse impacts of climate change on human rights.

Importantly, the resolution also welcomed the work of the Climate Vulnerable Forum and noted its Midnight Climate Survival Deadline for the Climate initiative calling for enhanced nationally determined contributions under the mechanism of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

A single abstention was registered among the total of 47 HRC members’ votes cast.

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