CVF Global Parliamentary Group at the Risk Reduction Hub of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

New York, USA 17-19 May 2023: The Chairperson of the CVF Global Parliamentary Group (CVF GPG) participated as a speaker during the Risk Reduction Hub of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, held in New York, USA. The Chairperson of the CVF GPG spoke during the Risk Reduction Hub at the following sessions: “A Whole of Society Approach – The role of Non-state Actors in the Sendai Framework Implementation” held on 17 May 2023 and “Working with nature for Resilience” on 19 March 2023.

During his first intervention on 17 March 2023, the Chairperson of the CVF GPG highlighted the significance of equally interrogating the role of state actors, particularly those of parliaments as constitutional beacons of accountability. He signalled the challenges that state actors, particularly parliaments,  have in engaging stakeholders and drew attention to the fragmented nature in which state processes often operate as well as the institutional and procedural constraints present, particularly for parliaments who have established institutional structures and procedural requirements that may not be conducive to engaging non-state actors effectively. We must guard against the bureaucratic hurdles, rigid timelines, and formalistic procedures that can hinder the meaningful participation of non-state actors.

During the second session on 19 May 2023, the Chairperson of the CVF GPG reflected on the barriers, gaps and opportunities for strengthening the role of nature in bringing about policies and strategies related to disaster risk reduction along with the implementation of the Sendai Framework. He also highlighted the linkages between the implementation of nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction as part of the Sendai Framework and particularly called on the mainstreaming and integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in development plans processes through the CVF/V20 CPPs, as an example. He posited that for the global stage to realise the transformative potential of the 2030 Agenda, governments and stakeholders need to come together to affirm that disaster risk reduction needs to be at the core of sustainable development. He also referred to the notion that a multi-stakeholder approach is needed, both at national and local level, to explore the opportunities for integrating nature-based solutions to reduce vulnerability and increasing resilience for disaster risk reduction. The Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework process will provide meaningful insights on the role of parliaments and parliamentarians in supporting the implementation of disaster risk reduction at the CVF GPG Parliamentary Accountability Summit to be held during COP28.

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