Collaborating Towards Climate Prosperity

Karachi, Pakistan – [12/07/2024] – The All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers & Merchants Association (PFVA) and the Climate Vulnerable Forum-V20 Group of Finance Ministers (CVF-V20) are pleased to announce the signing of a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation in promoting climate-resilient agricultural practices, seed innovation, conservation efforts, and sustainable development in Pakistan’s agriculture sector.

This strategic partnership aims to leverage the strengths and resources of both organizations to jointly tackle climate change challenges while ensuring climate prosperity and the competitiveness of Pakistan’s horticultural industry. The MoU signifies a commitment to joint efforts in advocacy, research, innovation, and capacity acceleration activities that will benefit fruit and vegetable growers, traders, and exporters nationwide.

The MoU was signed by Waheed Ahmed on behalf of All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers & Merchants Association (PFVA) and by Hamza Haroon on behalf of Climate Vulnerable Forum-V20 Group of Finance Ministers (CVF-V20).

President Nasheed, Secretary General CVF-V20 (former President of Maldives) joined the ceremony virtually and emphasized the critical importance of this partnership in building a resilient agricultural sector. “The signing of this MoU marks a significant milestone in our efforts to build a climate-resilient future for Pakistan’s fruit and vegetable sector. By partnering with CVF-V20, we are committed to driving sustainable growth and ensuring the long-term prosperity of our growers and exporters.”Waheed Ahmed, Patron-in-Chief PFVA

“Collaboration with the PFVA fits perfectly with our mission to support climate vulnerable nations in their journey towards climate justice and prosperity. Together, we will foster innovation and resilience, addressing the impacts of climate change while advancing economic growth and achieving inclusive development.”President Nasheed, Secretary General CVF-V20

The MoU signing ceremony took place at Avari Tower Hotel, attended by key representatives from PFVA and CVF-V20, along with distinguished guests and stakeholders from the agricultural and climate sectors.

For more information, please contact:

Waheed Ahmed

Patron-in-chief – PFVA

Hamza Haroon

Director South Asia, Climate Vulnerable Forum-V20 Group of Finance Ministers


About PFVA: The All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers & Merchants Association (PFVA) is dedicated to the promotion, development, and support of Pakistan’s fruit, vegetable, and value-addition sectors. PFVA plays a crucial role in advocacy, market development, quality standards, training, and research to ensure the sector’s competitiveness and sustainability.

About CVF-V20: The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) is an independent intergovernmental partnership of 68 countries highly vulnerable to climate change. The V20 Group of Finance Ministers (V20), a sister group of the CVF, is a collaborative platform for mobilizing economic and development strategies to tackle climate change through public and private finance.

Additional Information

Key Objectives of the MoU:

  1. Advocacy and Representation:

o Strengthening the voice of Pakistan’s fruit and vegetable sector in national and international climate policy discussions.

o Promoting the interests of growers and exporters in negotiations and engagements with government bodies and global stakeholders.

  1. Market Development & Conservation Efforts:

o Expanding domestic and international market opportunities for Pakistani fruits and vegetables as part of climate prosperity plans.

o Facilitating access to new markets and conservation efforts

  1. Research and Innovation:

o Supporting research initiatives aimed at climate-resilient seed innovation, improving crop yields, pest control, and drip irrigation.

o Encouraging innovation in green agricultural practices, green energy and technologies.

  1. Climate Prosperity Plans and Financial Strategies:

o Developing and implementing Climate Prosperity Plans to mobilize public and private sector resources and charting an investment pathway.

o Exploring innovative financial mechanisms and climate finance options such as debt-for-climate swaps, carbon financing, and biodiversity financing.

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