Hit Hard by Climate Change, Benin Calls for Global Ambition at COP27

[vc_row][vc_column][woodmart_title woodmart_css_id=”6371efc7b8e5c” title=”Hit Hard by Climate Change, Benin Calls for Global Ambition at COP27″ title_width=”100″][woodmart_title size=”small” woodmart_css_id=”6371efc0783c5″ title=”From its low-lying Atlantic coast to vast areas of tropical savannah and forest, Benin is highly vulnerable to climate change. We are raising our voice during COP27, to call for ambitious support for developing countries so they can cope with the impacts of global warming and implement a just transition.” title_width=”100″][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]

By Mr. Moudjahid Akorédé Wabi, CVF Capacity-Building Fellow

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]Facing the uncertainty of climate change

Like many other African countries, Benin is characterised by irregular and reduced rainfall, often alternating with heavy rainfall and temperature increase as well as rising sea levels. In recent years, climate change and hydro-meteorological disasters such as floods and droughts have caused severe damages to socio-economic sectors and peoples’ livelihood in different regions of Benin.

The country remains exposed to climate change and most socio-economic sectors are affected – from vital agriculture, water resources and energy, to tourism, forestry, infrastructure and urban development. According to the third national communication on climate change, by 2030, future climate variability and climate change are likely to negatively affect those sectors and increase the probabilities of occurrence of water scarcity and hunger.

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Since COP27 is in Africa it presents an opportunity to advance the priorities of developing countries in the continent, to cope with the impacts of climate change. Benin is present in Sharm El-Sheikh as a member of the African Negotiators Group (AGN), Least Developed countries (LDC) and G77 and China. Our nation is also a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Furthermore, Benin has submitted its National Determined Contribution (NDC). 

As we strive to implement the Paris Agreement, the international community is also struggling to recover from the socioeconomic crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with reduced resources available in many countries for climate action.


What are Benin’s key expectations for progress at COP27?

  1. Empowering developing economies

We call on delegates at COP27 to adopt decisions to recognise developing countries’ special needs and circumstances and to ensure tangible and practical programmes for implementation.  We also expect the enhancement of financial support for the development and transfer of technology in developing countries. We must improve capacity-building support, as well as technical and institutional capacity so that developing countries can meet the reporting requirements of the Paris Agreement.

  1. Real-world support for adaptation 

It is vital that COP27 moves to advance the implementation of adaptation action and support to developing countries. This includes ensuring that technical dialogues comprehensively address all the three goals of mitigation, adaptation and the means of implementation so as to promote enhanced ambition. Talks in Sharm El-Sheikh must also finalise the remaining rules for initiating the market mechanism (article 6 of the Paris Agreement) and its capacity-building programme. This is key to enabling the effective participation of developing countries in the new mechanism.

  1. Finance to ensure a just transition 

Major emitting countries must deliver and increase exponentially from the floor of USD100 billion amount of USD150 billion per year until 2025 as well as establishing a financing framework for just transitions. This includes committing to recognise the multiple forms and stages necessary for a fair climate transition.

  1. A question of climate justice: Loss & Damage

Last but by no means least, we must fully operationalise the Santiago Network in order to provide effective technical assistance to developing countries for climate loss and damage. We must also enhance additional support to developing countries in addressing loss and damage and agree on funding arrangements to avert, minimise and address these devastating climate impacts.


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