Ghana Leads Climate Vulnerable Forum

Ghana takes over from Bangladesh as lead of climate emergency fight for vulnerable nations for 2022-2024

25 May 2022, DHAKA:
The Bangladesh Presidency of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) ended its two-year term, and passed the CVF Presidency to Ghana, in a ceremony held today. The CVF Presidency represents 55 of the most climate-threatened countries, in their global fight against the climate emergency.

From 2020 to 2022, Bangladesh presided over the CVF for the second time. At the CVF Regional Dialogue for Africa and the Middle East held in July 2021, participants from the region designated Ghana as the next President. In the CVF Dhaka-Glasgow Declaration adopted at COP26 the CVF members confirmed Ghana’s Presidency for the 2022-2024 term, starting in May 2022. 

Under the leadership of the Government of Bangladesh and the guidance of Hon. Prime Minister of Bangladesh, H.E. Sheikh Hasina, the CVF took significant strides to influence global climate change policy, the financial architecture, and protect vulnerable nations.

Key highlights during Bangladesh’s Presidency included the creation of the Special Rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights, the creation of the IUCN Climate Crisis Commission, the adoption of the the CVF Dhaka-Glasgow Declaration at COP26 which was informed by the CVF Regional Dialogues held across each of its four regions, launching the CVF Global Parliamentary Group, the creation of the CVF-V20 Joint Multi-Donor Fund, the launch of the “Climate Survival Leadership Barometer”, and under the G20+ and V20 InsuResilience Global Partnership, the launch of the V20’s Sustainable Insurance Facility and Global Risk Modeling Alliance, to name a few.

Handing over the CVF Presidency in a virtual ceremony, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh, H.E. Sheikh Hasina, highlighted that the CVF has emerged as a legitimate voice for countries most affected by climate change. 

“I believe our Presidency’s most important legacy will be to shift the narrative from climate vulnerability to resilience and prosperity. In Bangladesh, we will be implementing our “Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan”. We believe it can provide a template for other vulnerable countries in their own context,” the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh, H.E. Sheikh Hasina said. 

“I am confident that CVF leadership will be in steady hands under President Akufo-Addo’s watch. As a member of the Troika, Bangladesh will continue to extend all necessary cooperation to Ghana. I fondly recall my personal engagements with the late Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General. I am sure he would have been happy to see this connection through CVF between Bangladesh and Ghana.”

Ghana becomes the second African nation to lead the CVF after Ethiopia. 

Receiving the CVF Presidency, Hon. President of Ghana, H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa  Akufo-Addo, said “With the ongoing support of Bangladesh and the Troika, I am confident that we will be able to deliver to the world and to ourselves, a strong and positive message, demonstrating to the world that we are determined and resilient, and our voices will only get louder and stronger.”

H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo stressed that the most vulnerable countries are already facing the reality of climate change first hand. 

“Specifically for Africa, it accounts for the smallest share of global greenhouse gas emissions – at just 3% of global emissions – and yet it is the most affected continent by the impacts of climate change. African countries are presently facing the stark realities these impacts bring, with loss and damage being experienced, and adaptation limits already being reached,” he said.

“Ghana will follow in the footsteps of the CVF’s previous presidents in being a voice for the voiceless. As Chair of the CVF, Ghana will pursue the call for major emitters to strengthen their 2030 mitigation targets in order to strengthen the 1.5°C target on which our survival depends within reach. We will also put a top priority on and ensure that adaptation financing is increased and that international loss and damage funding is unlocked. We call for an Implementation Plan for doubling climate adaptation finance by 2025. We will work to expand CVF membership, particularly in Africa.”

H.E.  Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo also confirmed Ghana’s Presidency priorities will include ensuring the realisation of the CVF Parliamentary Group’s Charter, development and implementation of the Climate Prosperity Plans, as well as establishing a youth program and appointing a youth ambassador for the CVF, and launching the Migrants4Climate initiative to raise awareness about climate migration and displacement and to leverage migrants’ role in climate action.

Global Center on Adaptation, Chief Executive Officer, Prof. Dr. Patrick Verkooijen, said “The CVF has been a driving force in supporting the interests and policy agendas of the most vulnerable nations, advancing their common priorities and interests and we have an absolutely powerful set of voices on a topic of pivotal importance for the world today.”

He added “As the past two years of the Bangladesh CVF Presidency has shown, transformational change follows great ambition. Ghana has truly shown its ambition by taking up the great responsibility of the CVF Presidency.”


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