Report of the CVF High Level Meeting, Paris, France

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Report of the CVF High Level Meeting, Paris, France, 30 November 2015


The Climate Change Commission of the Office of the President of the Philippines hosted the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) High Level Event on 30th November 2015 during the Leaders’ Event Day of the 21A session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at COP21 Conference Center in Le Bourget, Paris, France. This Meeting enabled CVF Members to express their unity of purpose and action towards securing a successful and meaningful outcome of the COP21 for vulnerable countries. The High-Level Meeting convened the top decision-making body of the full Forum in its third such meeting since its foundation in 2009.

The High-Level Meeting saw the announcement of the incoming presidency of Ethiopia for 2016-17, the adoption of the Manila-Paris Declaration, the 2016-18 Road Map of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, and Guidance for capitalization of the Climate Vulnerable Forum Trust Fund; the confirmation of 10 new members; and the acknowledgement of pending membership for 13 countries. The High-Level Meeting took part in two segments: Opening Leaders Session followed by a Working Session and Business. The first Opening Leaders Segment of the event was moderated by of the Chair of the CVF Expert Advisors Group and Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development, Dr. Saleemul Huq and the Working Session of the CVF was chaired by Vice-Chairperson and Secretary of the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines, H.E. Mr. Emmanuel de Guzman.

The adoption of the CVF’s new Manila-ParisDeclaration, the third issued by the CVF since its establishment in 2009, together with the 2016-18 Road Map clarified the shared interests of vulnerable countries of all regions, amplified the calls of vulnerable countries vis-à-vis the Paris Agreement which came to enshrine the key call of the CVF on 1.5°C, and established a cooperative programme of activities for ensuring further advances in the year ahead to protect the vulnerable from climate change and remain activated at the forefront of climate solutions.

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